Thick thighs, hairy arms, michelines.We are too big or not large enough.To the long list of body parts that teenagers care about and added a new one that will leave you impacted: the surgery genital.
The adolescent fashion of genital surgery for aesthetic purposes
Many adolescents resort to cosmetic surgery to trim or shape the external genitalia.of Obstetrics and Gynecologists issued an orientation of the Adolescent Health Commission, to reassure patients, and suggest alternatives to surgery that can relieve discomfort, as a remedy to a psychiatric disorder that causes obsession with the perception of the physical defects.
As to why there has been an increase in the demand for surgery among teenagers, doctors are "somewhat baffled," said Dr.Julie Strickland, president of the ACOG For adults, the procedure is marketed as "vaginal rejuvenation" , tightening the inner and outer muscles of the vagina.It is mainly aimed at older women who have given birth.However, the gynecologists who They tend to teenagers say they receive requests every week from patients who want surgery to reduce their labia minora, mainly for aesthetic reasons, but occasionally for functional reasons, such as relieving various discomforts.
The director does not rule out adolescent lip surgery, but says it is rarely appropriate." It should not be requested until growth and development are over ," said Dr.Strickland."What I always tell patients about labiaplasty is that there are a lot of incognites in these operations," he said."The lips have a lot of nerve endings in them, so there may be decreased sensation sexual after surgery, or numbness, pain, or scarring.«
In 2007 an opinion of the Committee on vaginal cosmetic procedures for adults was reaffirmed in 2014, saying that the procedures were not medically indicated, nor had they been proven safe or effective , and therefore could cause serious complications.
The American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says that 400 girls under 18 were practiced labioplasty eln 2015, which means an increase of 80% , compared to the 222 girls who underwent cosmetic genital surgery in 2014.While in general the numbers are still small, the data probably sub They estimate the trend because they do not include procedures performed by gynecologists, only by plastic surgeons.
What is driving this tendency to vaginal lip surgery? The new opinion of the committee says that doctors must evaluate patients to look for a body dysmorphic disorder , which can be debilitating and consists of being obsessed or worried about a physical defect that is being imagined or exaggerated.
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Image: Piotr and gullevek via FLickr
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