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Showing posts with the label Lifestyle

Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

Do you consider yourself among mentally strong people? Surely, almost all of us have two or three qualities that allow us to survive day by day, deal with the obstacles of work and family life, conquer goals or resist the real and imaginary pressures and aggressions to which we are subjected throughout of our life. In Lifestyle we present 7 attitudes or qualities that psychologists characterize mentally strong people. Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics 1.They are not discouraged by difficulties and delays Mentally strong people do not give up when they are presented with some apparently insurmountable obstacle or setback. They look for alternatives and ways to get around the barriers without giving up your project.They believe in that phrase that says when God closes a door opens a window to you . 2.They know how to handle stress Mentally strong people do not feel on the verge of collapse when cooling put pressure on work, in the intermediate spaces of soci...

The sad story of the first Englishman who used an umbrella

Many inventors strive to find ingenious solutions to everyday problems.Most of these inventions, such as fashion, come and go.Items and utensils that seemed to remain forever have become obsolete or have been replaced shortly.That is why the sad story of the first Englishman who used an umbrella is so striking, an object that we still use today.Join us to meet her and you will discover how sometimes most He is right. The story of the first Englishman who used an umbrella Jonas Hanway was an Englishman who at the beginning of the 1750s returned from a trip to Paris with a gadget called "umbrella." Until that time, in a rainy climate like the English, no one had dared to protect their heads more than with shawls, hats, sheltering under a canopy or using some type of transport in order to travel dry on the streets s. The use of umbrellas to protect from the sun had been brought from the east and was customary in the French court.At the beginning of the 18th cen...

How to survive lost in a forest

Most people at some point in our lives have gotten lost .Normally, it happened in childhood and you found yourself alone for a few seconds in a street, in a shopping mall or on a crowded beach.Suddenly, you have felt abandoned and scared without knowing what to do or where to go.Usually they find you right away and everything is in a scare of a few seconds, but And if you are an adult and you are in an isolated place? Would you know how to survive lost in a forest ? How to survive lost in a forest If you are going to go hiking in the forest, it is convenient go provided with water , food, compass, something to light a fire, knife and a cell phone.It is also advisable to tell someone what routes you plan to follow in case something happens.If, despite having taken these precautions, you you would lose without having access to that material and you would be forced to survive lost in a forest, for a few days, experts advise : In First try to locate water .Water is the ...

Why is salmon pink, even being a hatchery? Find it out!

Do you like salmon? It is a very healthy food, don't you think? The answer is sadly no, at least not the farmed salmon.Have you ever wondered why the salmon is pink? We invite you to discover it, but you may get a surprise. Do you know why salmon is pink, even being a hatchery? Find out! In its natural state, salmon acquires its color at three years of life, by a substance called astaxanthin , which is present in its diet, based on crustaceans , shrimp and krill. This substance accumulates in the tissues of salmon and this is what gives it the color.But...How many people can afford to consume natural salmon? It is very expensive and not easy to obtain, which is why the fish farm was responsible for raising a salmon that was obtained at a more affordable price, to meet the demand for this “healthy” food has currently generated by its “multiple benefits”. Farmed salmon are gray .Yes, gray, because their diet consists of oil, fish, corn starch and transgenic soybeans , no...

The 15 most incredible cinemas in the world

In this article we present the 15 most incredible cinemas in the world, we know that there are many more, but in our opinion these are, without a doubt, the most outstanding! With luck, you can even watch some of the mythical John Wayne movies, for example, if you visit one of these cinemas on one of your trips. The most incredible cinemas in the US 1.The Chinese theater in Los Angeles, USA An incredible cinema in the middle of the Hollywood stars walk. A must if you go to Los Angeles. 2.The Senator in Baltimore , USA Its facade is a benchmark for Art Deco lovers. Surely your facade sounds like you... 3.Cinespia, in Los Angeles USA It's an open-air cinema in in the middle of a cemetery where are buried nothing more and nothing less than stars like John Huston , director, screenwriter and actor or actress ca nobody Fay Wray . You can't be closer to the stars! 4. Cinepolis Luxury Cinemas , on the Coast, USA The originality ...

Your car won't let you drive drunk!

Will it be that science fiction is reaching us? In any case, we know that alcohol should not be mixed with the steering wheel because there are almost always catastrophic consequences. To give you an idea, 8 out of 10 people injured in traffic accidents are related to the alcohol only in Mexico City; in the United States, 28 die a day; In Spain, 1,500 die a year from this cause...and so we can continue to list terrible numbers and figures of car accidents worldwide, directly associated with irresponsible drivers who drink more . Of course, there are also movements and government organizations that try to stop the statistics, but the drunks are still behind the wheel. Technology at our service in two ways Fortunately, there is a team of American engineers working on several methods to make it the car itself that detects the amount of alcohol in blood .How is that possible? 1.Touch Cars of the future, of course, will be smart, and just by touching a touch screen (on t...

The unusual ingredients of meals in China

It is common knowledge that Asian culture is different from what we may be accustomed to in our countries of America and Europe, although there are also ingredients that surprise us; However, these ingredients to prepare meals in China , will leave you with your mouth open. Do you know the most unusual ingredients of meals in China? There is a Cantonese saying that “anything that walks, swims, crawls or flies with its back to the sky is edible.” So it is not surprising that in China they eat several unusual foods. Here are some examples of these: «Stinky tofu» Stinky tofu (also known by its Chinese name , Chou Dofu) is one of those foods that is impossible to face in a neutral way, you love it or you hate it.Asian tourists who follow your nose will have no problem locating a stinky tofu stand. Take a brine made with shrimp, vegetables and salt, ferments for months, r Throw a block of tofu in it for several hours, and you will have the dish, famous for its pungent s...

Are you a muppie? Do you identify with these traits?

Muppies, hipsters, yuppies, geeks, geeks, runners, millennials...ahhhh! How to survive so much "word" and so much trend ?! Of all this I just listed, what it takes now is to be a muppie, an urban trend for older millennials, those between 25 and 35 years old. This muppie is a term that emerges from the merger of the term millennial and yuppie, and that has a godmother, then I'll tell you. We already know that he is a millennial, but what is a yuppie? Yuppie is the acronym for "young urban professional", which means young urban professional.The yuppies are young people with university studies, who live in a city and have a very high-level job and a privileged economic situation. This term began to be used in the 80s, when they were being born millennials. So are the muppies The birth of the term muppie is due to the writer Michelle Miller , who defines them as: «a new generation that spends one hour a day diving on the Internet, another half...

Discover the effect of superhero movies on children

"A great power, carries a great responsibility," says Spiderman.This seems to be the spirit of all superheroes.Many of us believe that this is the effect of superhero movies on children.Here is the reason why families are delighted that their children watch these movies. They are sure that thanks to them, they will learn universal values ​​ , such as solidarity and a sense of community, but will it be true? A study demonstrates the effect of superhero movies on children Despite the beliefs we talked about before, there are also people who wonder if their content is suitable for children.It is true that superheroes move for very generous reasons, their films are full of violence , a question that leads us to wonder what is more in the kids, values ​​or violence? The journal Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology has published an investigation stating that the Preschool children do not fully understand the values ​​they fight for , but they do memorize and assume vio...

The story behind this amazing photograph of a diver and a whale

There are magnificent moments that have been captured on camera, this is the specific case of this photo that has gone around the world Here we tell you the story behind the photograph! This is the story of the stunning photograph of a diver and a whale almost touching his limbs In the photo, taken the deep blue waters of the South Pacific Ocean, near Hawaii, you can see a brave diver and a humpback whale almost holding the fin and hand (or bumping the five).He is the camera operator and diving expert, Marco Queral.

Who are the people who buy the most luxury items?

Do you like to buy luxury items or are you one of the people who prefer to spend little? Have you ever wondered what leads people to buy and fancy things? Although there is no definitive answer nor does it apply to the total population , the studies provide some data.Let's see what it is! Who are the people? who currently buy more luxury items? Surely you have noticed some cases in which a person does not have a very strong and stable financial situation , but still buys luxurious things every time he has the opportunity; For example, someone who does not live with many amenities but instead of trying to replace them buys an expensive vehicle. When a person has low income and at the same time is outgoing, You are likely to seek to compensate for your financial weakness by purchasing luxury items, This is what a study by researchers at the University College of London. For the study, the consumption expenditure of people of high and low income and of different personal...

The Origin of Lasana | It did not take place in Italy!

Most of us make our mouths water when we hear the word Lasana .The combination of bechamel, pasta and cheese and whatever its filling, delights children and adults and It is a sure success on the table.If you travel to Italy, surely the pasta dishes you enjoy will be Lasana.If you are asked where this dish comes from, you will surely answer that...from Italy !, well, it is not So, surprised? Join us in Lifestyle to know the Origin of Lasana , which as we have said… It did not take place in Italy! The origin of lasana did not take place in Italy.! In the different definitions of what a lasana is, there are some points where they coincide: it is a laminated pasta dish that is layered and baked. The experts who consider this basic definition as good affirm that the origin of lasana is not in Italy, but in Greece (which of course becomes one of the Curiosities of Italy and also one of the Curiosities of Greece ). 1.Where Lasana was born There is no discussion that Lasana as we ...

San Valentin: How did it all start?

Many people think that the feast of St.Valentin , as patron of lovers , is a recent invention of commercial chains , but is not like that .The tradition of celebrating this day comes from afar and commemorates the acts of Valentin at the time of the Roman Empire .Let's look at its history ! Saint Valentin: How did it all start? There are many voices that say the Catholic Church established the feast of Saint Valentin for cover a pagan festival : Las Lupercales , which were celebrated on February 15.Luperco was the protector of shepherds and herds and also in this party was I also paid tribute to the wolf who nursed Romulo and Remo .The only certain thing is that Pope Gelasio I, in the year 498, established the festival and that in the year 1969 a new calendar of ecclesiastical festivities and the feast day of Saint Valentin, together with others of doubtful origin, cay of the calendar .The history of the Saint is based more on a legend strong> than in...

4 INCREDIBLE desserts with a cup and a microwave

At Lifestyle we have talked about 6 things you did not know you can do with your microwave.We were very surprised and, therefore, we could not pass up the opportunity to share with you more incredible options that you can carry out alone with your microwave.Fire? For what? You will love these 4 desserts and they are easier than possible : their basic ingredients are a cup and a microwave . Are you with us to discover them? 1.Platelito «red velvet» in cup Very elegant and easy to prepare. You may not have these ingredients at home, so if you're going to do it, write them down and visit the supermarket. What ingredients do I need? 1 large egg 3 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 teaspoon red food coloring 3 tablespoons buttermilk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/4 of cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons d e unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 cup flour with yeast 1 pinch of salt 1/4 teaspoon cider, wine, white wine or rice vinegar How do I prepare it? 1.Take a l...

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

When we have a pet at home the routine changes completely, from the time to get up to the cleaning.If it is cats, we have to have the special arenas to make their needs, and if it is dogs, accommodate our schedule to take them out for a walk. And if there are children, because things do not vary much, unless there are more hands to help in their care.We tend to humanize the animals, and the We consider one more of our family , so much, that there are those who even feed them the same as what is eaten at the table, from spiced meats to delicious chocolate and cream sweets. And we think that what we like our dogs, or what is good for a person is also for an animal.Nothing further from the reality and good health of that or tro family member.Many times, for not having the right information, we do more harm than good, and we believe that by giving them everything about our dishes they will be well fed. And anyone who has a dog knows how greedy it can be , eats almost anything we ...