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10 books to be scared

Halloween is approaching and these days many of us want to have a little fear .We can watch a horror movie or, for those who prefer reading , here We leave you the titles of 10 books to be scared. What do you think? Had you read them? We look forward to your recommendations!

10 books to be scared

1. "It" by Stephen King .Published in 1986, narrates the story of an extraterrestrial being that feeds on the fear of its victims.It can take any form, although it prefers that of a clown.When it is sated, it disappears, to return 30 years later.

Buy it on Amazon-> It (That)

2. "Dracula" by Bram Stoker .Published in 1897.It's a classic horror book.Jonathan Harker works for a law firm and is hired by a Romanian nobleman.He travels to the country with his girlfriend Mina.The earl has a plan to move to London and get new souls.

10 books to be scared

Buy it on Amazon-> Dracula: The original

3. "The Exorcist" by William Peter Blatty .Published in 1950.It is based on a real case that occurred in 1949 and of which the writer had news.A priest finds elements that They presage a direct confrontation against evil.Finally, you should proceed to exorcise a young woman who has been possessed by the devil.If you want to know more about the case that inspired the book we recommend our article: The exorcist, the real case.

Buy it on Amazon-> The exorcist

4. "Another twist" by Henry James .Published in 1898.Narra la hist Oria of a young woman who comes to a house to take care of some children.These are marked by the death of her former governess and her murky relationship with the gardener.The girl will try to help the children, but she will be shocked by the appearance of the ghost of its predecessor.

10 books to be scared

Buy it on Amazon-> Another twist

5. "Full stories" by Edgar Allan Poe .Poe is the master of the short stories of mystery and Terror.Most of them are overwhelming and worth reading them all.

Buy it on Amazon-> Full Tales

6. "The Devil's Seed" or "The Baby Rosemary »by Ira Levin .Published in 1967.If the movie terrified you, don't stop reading the book.

10 books to be scared

Buy it on Amazon-> The Seed of the Devil

7. "Dagon and other macabre tales" by Howard Phillips Lovecraft .It is a compilation of 20 of the first Lovecraft stories.In them you will see the world emerge I believe this great author.Fantasia, terror, abominations, cruel rites...the horror in all its expression that populates the Lovecraft universe.

10 books to be scared

Buy it on Amazon-> Dagon And Other Macabre Tales

8.« The infernal house "by Richard Matheson .Published in 1971, Stephen King said of her that it was the most terrified haunted house novel of all time.We also recommend the same author" I am a legend ", a novel in which based on three excellent movies, the last one starring Will Smith.

10 books to be scared

Buy it in Am azon-> The infernal house

9. "The vampires of the mind" by Dan Simmons .Published in 1989.3 elders meet once a year to explain their exploits.Their passion It is evil and its gift to take over the minds of other human beings to make them commit the most abject acts.Their mistake? One of his victims has discovered them.

10 books to be scared

10.« The road »of Cormac McCarthy .Published in 2006.Although it is not exactly a horror novel, it is tremendously disturbing and claustrophobic.Through the protagonist father and son we observe the desolation of a world that has been dehumanized to horror.

Buy it on Amazon-> The road

What books have you terrified? Share it with us! And if you were interested in this article about books to be scared, you might want to read: 10 books that were censored or banned even if it seems a lie.

Image : Paul Bence


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