In a previous article we talked about various myths and beliefs about pregnancy, and one of them was precisely the issue of intimate relationships during pregnancy.
In this post we want to delve a little more and talk to you not only about the convenience or not of making love at this stage, but also about the possible effects that this practice would have on the baby.Are you with us?
Intimate relationships
Maintaining relationships is always good, as we told you in another article about the benefits of making love every day.However, many pregnant women are concerned that such activities are not recommended or healthy, for them and for the fetus.
The truth is that if your pregnancy has no complications, there are no medical or physical reasons for not having intimate relationships, even every day (of course, if you feel like it and time...).In fact, you can do it even before delivery, you will not be in danger, and neither will your baby.And from a more intimate point of view, your partner and you will feel more united, more likely to face that radical change in their lives.
But what happens in your body with pregnancy? Many things, obviously; one of them is that the pelvis has more blood flow during these nine months, and your genitals can swell increasing the sensations of pleasure .There is more vaginal moisture, so which can definitely be an advantage.
Naturally, not all women feel the same; there will be those who do not like this.But if you are in the group of those who do, you see, there is no obstacle to making love as many times as you want and the belly allows it...
And the baby? Will you feel anything?
No, that familiar joke of a baby repeatedly touching his father's forehead and asking "do you like it? Do you like it?" Is one of the myths.Babies don't feel The amniotic fluid that surrounds it protects you from any threat, and serves as an effective buffer, unless the session is too intense.
See that they recommend the pregnant mother to exercise, and that it does not harm him at all.What the baby will perceive will be your orgasm, because the uterus contracts a little and that pressure will feel it.
However, it is still something very soft, it does not represent any situation of Stress for him or run the risk of provoking early labor.This is true, although there are some clinical studies that relate sexual activity in very advanced stages of pregnancy with birth premature ents.
This could be due to the prostaglandin , present in the semen, which stimulates the cervix.There are many doctors who recommend a sexual session if the date of delivery has passed and you do not present any sign that you are going to give birth.
And the postures?
The creativity and size of your belly will indicate the best posture, but usually pregnant women prefer to stay on top, or lying on their side, or in the famous posture of the puppy.You will decide which one is better for you.
And what do you think, maintaining intimate relationships during pregnancy is safe? Discuss it with us and also read about orgasms during childbirth, it is possible and discover the consequences of getting high during pregnancy.
Images: Andrew Bardwell , andrea , Lauren Hammond , Jeremy Sternberg
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