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Why is salmon pink, even being a hatchery? Find it out!

Do you like salmon? It is a very healthy food, don't you think? The answer is sadly no, at least not the farmed salmon.Have you ever wondered why the salmon is pink? We invite you to discover it, but you may get a surprise.

Do you know why salmon is pink, even being a hatchery? Find out!

In its natural state, salmon acquires its color at three years of life, by a substance called astaxanthin , which is present in its diet, based on crustaceans , shrimp and krill. This substance accumulates in the tissues of salmon and this is what gives it the color.But...How many people can afford to consume natural salmon? It is very expensive and not easy to obtain, which is why the fish farm was responsible for raising a salmon that was obtained at a more affordable price, to meet the demand for this “healthy” food has currently generated by its “multiple benefits”.

Why is salmon pink, even being a hatchery? Find it out!

Farmed salmon are gray .Yes, gray, because their diet consists of oil, fish, corn starch and transgenic soybeans , not of crustaceans or krill as in their natural environment.So to give a more “appetizing” color, the companies have their fish, there is a whole range of pink tones from which they can choose, this color chart I create the pharmaceutical multinational Hoffman-LaRoche, which was bought in 2002 by another multinational called DSM.

Why is salmon pink, even being a hatchery? Find it out!

Why is salmon pink? Because of the astaxanthin capsules that are supplied to the hatcheries. Some contain pulverized crustaceans and are a bit more natural, but others they contain synthetic compounds that, at times, can be harmful to human health.

In addition to artificially having salmon, on fish farms, there are quite questionable practices about whether fish is really a healthy food or not. Salmon is five times more toxic than a hamburger; when growing and living overcrowded, farmers must provide them with large amounts of antibiotics and pesticides so that diseases don't spread have you seen videos? about chicken farms? It's the same, only with other animals: How healthy can that be?

Many world-renowned chefs say they don't eat this fish and don't even sell it in their restaurants.

Why is salmon pink, even being a hatchery? Find it out!

For the business to be profitable (a natural salmon takes about five years to grow to reach a large size and who can wait so long?) the salmon must reach their size maximum in 15 months .To produce a kilo of salmon you need five kilos of other fish, is it worth it? It is something similar to what happens in the meat industry, do you know how much water and how much food is Do you need to produce a kilo of meat? Be curious and find out!

In the United States it is law to determine whether salmon are painted or not , but it is not a rule that applies to many countries.What do you think about this topic? We really don't know what we are eating!

Don't miss this post ; Discover a SUPERBACTERIA resistant to all antibiotics!

Images: Reno Tahoe, FRE Lens, Jason Jacobs, Boca Dorada.


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