A phobia is defined as the «intense and irrational fear, of a sickly nature, towards a person, a thing or a situation».In Lifestyle we have approached some of the most curious phobias, and on this occasion we want to deepen Escopophobia: terror of the evil eye or simply to be looked at.
Escopophobia: terror to be looked at
It might seem that the subject of phobias is something modern that has emerged in a society that does not have other problems, however it is not so in many cases.Concretely, the scopophobia was already described by Hippocrates in the 400th century The wise man mentioned the case of a young man who was so shy that he "loves darkness as light" and "thinks that every man observes it".
The term scophobia comes from the Greek «sko peō ”and“ phobos.”The first word means“ look at ”or“ examine ”and the second“ fear.”What happens to the one who suffers from scoophobia is that he has terror to be seen or looked at by others .As a result, he will try to run away or at least cover his face with his hands to avoid eye contact.He may physically suffer tremors, redden, babble or suffer strong muscular tension.Psychologists claim that much of the population suffers to a greater or lesser extent this phobia, but they manage to overcome it.It translates into fear of speaking in public, performing some type of activity in which it will be the center of all eyes such as playing the piano or simply being presented to someone new.
It is believed that the origin of scopophobia as a condition in an adult may be in some episode of public derision in childhood or in the fact of suffering from any visible malformation or physical ailment.Behind her hides feelings of shyness and especially shame attached to the feeling of being despised or criticized.
Scopophobia is considered both a social phobia , that is to say an anxiety disorder that occurs in the social sphere, as a specific phobia .Specific phobias are those that are characterized by the fear of specific situations or objects and entail that the affected subject avoids contact with that object or that specific situation.
One aspect of scopophobia is the fear of the evil eye that some extremely superstitious people develop.They are terrified of someone watching them with No good intentions.One of the solutions for them is the use of amulets against the evil eye.Although most seem silly to us, for these people they are very important.
Did you know that scopophobia existed? Do you suffer to a greater or lesser degree? If you are interested in learning more about phobias, we invite you to read the post:
-9 strange or unusual phobias
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