The actors say that the roles of villain are the most grateful .Many believe that incarnating these types of characters can demonstrate more of his skills .In many movies, if not for the "bad" one, the good one would not even be remembered.Let's get into the world of the super villains and remember 10 of them .
Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991)
Perhaps intelligence and coldness are the most marked characteristics of this psychiatrist who disguises his extreme madness after a mask of education and culture .
He was played by Anthony Hopkins in the three films of the saga.
The Joker of "The Dark Knight" (2008)
A Mad Clown and Murder or who enjoys sowing terror and chaos .He is Batman's antagonist.The late Heath Ledger was the Joker in "The Dark Knight."
The movie was directed by Cristopher Nolan.
Amon Goeth from "Schindler's List" (1993)
Perhaps he is one of the characters that most evil seems to us, because he is a real character .When we see the movie we cannot forget at any time that the facts he tells are real and that the criminal Amon Goeth really existed .
It was played by Ralph Fiennes.
Voldemort of the "Harry Potter" saga (2001-2011)
The bad of the Harry Potter saga t He has more power than any other magician.His magic is dark and his followers sow terror among the magical community.
Harry beat him without knowing when he was a baby but he's coming back.He doesn't have compassion or his own acolytes. Another villain played by Ralph Fiennes .
Mr.Smith of "Matrix" ( 1999)
Cold as a fish and with that evil smile makes us suffer in all the films of the saga.
It is multiplied by himself to infinity, but the suffered Neo can cope with it .Hugo Weaving embodied it.
Alex DeLarge of "The Orange Mechanic" (1971)
In the movie of Stanley Kubrick, Alex DeLarge is played by Malcom McDowell.He is an unbalanced who gets carried away by his passion for violence and classical music.
It terrifies the population in an escalation of wild violence until they catch him for a murder and decides to offer himself for an innovative therapy.
Scar from «King Leon» ( 1997)
In this Disney movie we know Scar, the evil lion par excellence .Remember a little the brother of Ricardo Corazon de Leon, Juan Sin Tierra.Scar not only kills his brother but blames poor Simba for exile.
Tyraniza to the lions and allies with his natural enemy that are the hyenas.
Jhon Doe of "Seven" (1995)
Kevin Spacek gives life to Jhon Doe, the dangerous psychopath of Seven.By " divine commandment" kills, in extremely twisted ways, people who have been carried away by any of the 7 deadly sins.
Death always has to do with the sin committed.
Colonel Hands Landa in "Damn Bastards" (2009)
This character played by Christoph Waltz in the Quentin Tarantino's movie gets too close to historical reality so that we can take distance and laugh.
It has a twisted cruelty that accentuates its villania .
Colonel William Tavington of "The Patriot" (2000)
Kill children, burn the inhabitants of a town alive and commit an endless number of other abuses.he, "the patriot" would not have moved from his house.
It is a bad guy without entrails who does not seem to suffer any mental imbalance.Apparently unperturbed, enjoy the suffering of others.
Surely you think there are some worse villains.Share it with us, which ones would you add to the list? And if you like movies, you may want to read 8 movies not suitable for claustrophobic.
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