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5 theories of «Fantastic Animals and where to find them»

Do you like Harry Potter? Have you seen the first movie in the saga about Fantastic Animals and where to find them ? If you have done so, you may have noticed some details and made assumptions, even hypothesized, about some of your characters .Discover a little more about these theories of Fantastic Animals and where to find them .Here we go!

5 theories of Fantastic Animals and where to find them

1.Newt is not as rare as it seems

Surely you noticed that Newt Scamander is a very particular and unique character, and much of his charm is that he is a bit awkward and strange .

5 theories of «Fantastic Animals and where to find them»

But why does it behave like this? One of the theories of Fantastic Animals and where to find them explains why the sorcerer is not as strange as he seems. Newt uses body language to prove that he is harmless and submissive, also to people, and thus gain his trust.Unfortunately, this is a technique that works perfectly with the magical beasts of the whole world, but that is not so effective with witches, wizards and muggles.

2.Gellert Grindelwald is a seer

Although at the beginning it was not known that Gellert Grindelwald was a seer and only there was a mention in which he spoke of some visions he had had about Credence (Ezra Miller), JKRowling confirmed that he really is a seer and that when he confessed this fact he was lying, not telling the whole truth with him in order to hide their true plans.

5 theories of «Fantastic Animals and where to find them»

Professor Sybill Trelawney also has the power of vision, which seems to be crucial in the next movie Fantastic Beasts.

3.Jacob Kowalski is a metaphor for JKRowling

If you're a Harry Potter fan, you'll know how much JKRowling fought for his books were published, likewise Jacob Kowalski fought for his pastry shop.

5 theories of «Fantastic Animals and where to find them»


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