We all know, who we like animals, how beneficial it is in many ways to have a pet dog.They are not only a company for people who live alone, for example, they are also useful in numerous initiatives in which they help the sick, blind or suffering from various disabilities.
Often the dog's tail is "man's best friend", and it is true, this mammal who has walked the prehistoric roads and It is an unavoidable part of our own evolutionary process also brings us other benefits just by accepting it in our home, in our family and in our heart.
1.You will be a more active person
Yes you live in a city, in an apartment, and you have a dog, the most obvious thing is that you have to take him out for a walk.Sure, you arrive from work and you are super tired and what you want is to lie on the couch to watch TV...and you find yourself your dog jumping for joy because you arrived and because at last! Pray through the park in your company.
Taking a 30-minute daily walk with your furry friend can significantly improve your health: lower bad cholesterol levels, exercise your heart and stay fit.
As for children, a study published in 2010, in the American Journal of Public Health , reports that children with dogs spend more time in moderate to intense physical activities than children without dogs.Something invaluable in these times of video games, TV and smart phones.
2.Less stress
Many studies show that the owners of Dogs generally have less stress levels in their lives.Just stroking it, playing with it or watching it and "talking" dramatically reduces the amount of cortisol in the blood, the stress hormone.
3.Can detect cancer
This "advantage" is working at least since the late 80s.The experiments associated with these pets have given good results.It is not clear what dogs smell, whether unknown volatile compounds or conventional substances in body fluids, the truth is that they are able to smell various types of cancer (skin, colon, breast, ovaries , lung, bladder...).
4.You can detect low blood sugar levels
Of course this can be done by specially trained dogs, but if you suffer from diabetes and have a pet canine that "knows what it does" could be of great help to you.
In an article from the British Medical Journal , 2000, It was reported that more than a third of dogs living with diabetic people have behavioral changes when their owners' sugar levels fall, even before the person notices.
In several cases cited By this publication, dogs not only detected glucose drop but tried to warn their owners to eat.
No It is clear even as the dogs did, but it is quite likely that they have detected muscle tremors or changes in the body odor of their owners.And best of all, it is a skill that any dog can learn.
5.Reducen the possibility of suffering from eczema
In a previous article we told you how good it is to expose children from small to children, such as dogs.Many of us worry about the amount of microbes that these can transfer to our children.you drink, but the truth is completely different.
In an investigation published in the Journal of Pediatrics in 2011, in which 636 children were followed, it was found that the eczema rate was very much or less among children who lived with dogs, even those sensitive to canine allergens.
6.Make you more resistant to allergies
If you have not been exposed as a child to dogs, you probably developed allergies to these pets; In fact, they can be a trigger if you are allergic to anything.
However, if you grew up with a dog, your microbiota would have benefited greatly from this company.Well, your immune system will be much stronger than the one that grew away from them.
You will be less likely to develop any type of allergies in the course of your life.A good reason, don't you think?
7.You will have a healthier heart
Apart from reducing stress, just caressing your heart rate and blood pressure will go down as if by magic.Even some studies have shown that those who have dogs they are also slightly lower cholesterol and more likely to survive a heart attack.
8.Help during a seizure
In the United States there are specialized centers for dog training for detect seizures (and their "duties" are similar to those of a guide dog), and thus help the owners who suffer from them.
They recognize behavior or body language during seizure events, and they are sufficiently perceptive to detect the imminence of an attack, which allows to the owners to take the medicines or to be able to get somewhere safe and ask for help.
However, there are no conclusive studies about whether or not dogs can detect epileptic seizures in advance, although researchers agree that at Less can be a great support for patients with epilepsy.
9.They can detect foods to which you are allergic
As you know, dogs are used by the anti-drug and anti-terrorism brigades for detect both drugs and bombs, so many researchers want to use that olfactory skill of our dear friends to help people who have allergies to certain foods, such as peanuts.
There are those who even the smallest The rest of this delicious seed represents a very serious danger that can trigger a powerful allergic reaction to; a properly trained dog can track any trace of peanuts and avoid dangerous episodes.
10.Can help to overcome diseases
That is the main idea behind many programs that they use dogs in visits to hospitals or rehabilitation centers ."Therapy dogs" favor mobility, interpersonal contact and socialization among patients.
Act as "social catalysts" , according to the British Medical Journal in a 2005 study, as they facilitate greater interaction between people and alleviate the feeling of loneliness, especially in the elderly with some physical disability.
Those who have dogs are better at coping with stressful situations, which in general helps prevent diseases related to ans iedad.
If you still don't convince yourself to take home a faithful friend like few others, at least the health reasons could make you change your mind, what do you say? And while you think about it, read 10 GREAT benefits of having a cat at home, in case you like cats more.
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