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5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads

Traveling is a pleasure, and doing it on road allows you, many times, to accommodate the experience at your own pace and interests.However, in the world, there are some roads that, due to the conditions in which they are located, the climate of the place, the intense traffic or the particular orography of the land, become in a very dangerous experience .Just by looking at the photographs, it is felt that the trip will not be suitable for cowards.

5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads

1.Stelvio step
The Stelvio pass is in Italy .If you are a cycling fan you will remember these curves as they are part of one of the stages most famous of the Giro d'Italia.
5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads
Go through the Alps and you can only travel if you are there between June and September .Son 24km s and has 48 curves .
2.Carretera del Atlantico
This road is in Norway .The landscapes are breathtaking beauty .But this wonder contains dangers that in one day radiant are not observed.When bad weather reigns, visibility is poor and the wind and waves sweep the road , crashing into the vehicles.We leave this video for you to see.
3.The Guoliang tunnel
This road is in China , in the mountains of Taihang.Farmers in the area were forced to surround the immense elevations of the land p To reach the capital of their region, a group of them, a little over 40 years ago , decided to dig a primitive in the rock tunnel, which even opened several windows , to make the road as direct as possible.
5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads
It saves you a lot of time, but you have to have a lot of courage to travel that route.
4.The highway of the Serra do Rio do Rastro
This way is in Brazil , in a vertiginous descent we pass a height of 1,400 meters until practically the sea level .On this road from the Andes to the jungle an average of 300 people a year lose their lives.
5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads
There are thousands of cyclists and vehicle drivers who dare to travel this road defying their dangers, but carelessness or a bad maneuver can be fatal.
5.Step of the Gois
This French road connects the island of Noirmoutier with the mainland, it is only dangerous if you enter it without taking into account the tides. Twice a day (high tide) is completely flooded and it is impossible to travel its 4'5 km.
5 Terribly DANGEROUS Roads
The water that covers it can get to be 4 meters high .Currently a bridge has been built that avoids having to cross the dangerous road.
What do you think? Some are really impressive, would you walk them?
If you like dangerous places, you might want to know more about the Bolton stream, if you swim in it, you will disappear.
Images: Otavio Nogueira, FANG Chen,


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