Particularly nice people have a lot of talent for conversation.However, their secret to success is much less related to what they do than to what they don't do.The nicest people avoid the biggest killer of the conversation: The interruption.
This habit could be the answer to why people don't like you
When we stop interrupting, daily conversations become pleasant, negotiations become easier and our network grows faster than ever, because people are more willing to talk.
Interrupt it puts people on the defensive. When someone is interrupted, they are told that our voice is more important than theirs.Naturally, they feel defensive about what they either defend or silence.a situation of loss.By interrupting we drown other people in everyday conversations.Interruptions make conversation impossible because the other person has to fight to express their opinion or stop trying in the long run.
Also, the flow of the conversation is interrupted. Let's think about these dialogues as a dance, the interruption would be like stepping on your partner's foot.It alters all the rhythm and is difficult to recover.Pleasant people avoid breaking the rhythm by talking out of turn, asking an inappropriate question or ending the prayers of the other person.your partner the space to flow and improvise, supporting them with active listening and genuine interest.
Interrupting, creates an insecure environment. When you talk less and listen more, a safe space is created for others to share.They will trust you because there is no threat of interruption.People will share their ideas, feelings and thoughts because you have demonstrated that you are patient enough to listen to them.The listening patient establishes a tacit bond of trust between himself and others, so that both benefit from a good conversation.
How to stop interrupting others?
First, pay attention when you feel the need to interrupt.Second, bite your tongue when you feel that urge. Don't let yourself speak until two seconds after the last word of the person. This way you will know that he has finished speaking, and that he is not only taking a breath before his next sentence.It may sound a little silly, but it works.It is the way to leave this bad habit.
We live in a world flooded with interruptions.Not being one of those who practices them, you will stand out from the mass. By talking less and listening more, you will leave others with a lasting impression and you can enjoy all the benefits of being a more pleasant person.
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Image: ClearFrost and Roy Son via Flickr
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