The colors surround us.Our world is made up of a symphony of light tones that impress our visual organs.Although we know that they are electromagnetic waves captured by the eye and interpreted by our brain, we marvel and we were psychologically impacted by the colors.Join us to discover 10 Things you didn't know about Colors and how they affect our mind.
Do you know what is the preferred color in the world? According to several surveys carried out by global marketing companies, blue is the preferred among all colors by 40% of the world's population.Second, purple, red and green were very tied.Those who had less supporters were white, yellow and orange.Are you surprised?
10 Things you didn't know about Colors
1.Since the early twentieth century it has been studied how the color of an object can affect the mood and feelings of the one who sees it.Research since then suggests that the light of colors affects the center of the emotions that are in the hypothalamus.Many artists and designers know it and use it to subtly manipulate the public.
2.In 1930 the neuropsychologist Kurt Goldstein did experiments with the colors trong> and I conclude among other things that when an object is illuminated with red light, it seems larger or heavier and, on the other hand, if it is illuminated with green light, it is perceived as smaller and lighter.
3.Perhaps you have observed that many fast food companies use red and yellow in their advertisements and logos.It is because according to several studies these are the colors "more appetizing", that is, that invite you to eat.Blue is the one that least invites you to swallow food.
4.Chromophobia or chromatophobia is a demonstration of how colors affect our mind This phobia produces a persistent and irrational fear of colors.In many cases the color is related to a particularly distressing past event.
5.One of the curiosities of col Prayers More striking is the difference in the ability of men and women to perceive the orange-red spectrum.According to researchers at Arizona State University in Tempe, the gene that allows us to see red is on the chromosome X.As women have two X chromosomes, this gene helps to better perceive this color spectrum.
6.Among all colors the first one a baby sees is red This is because it has the longest wavelength and is therefore the one that most easily processes the receptors and nerves that are still developing in the eyes of a newborn.
7. The colors affect the sensation of depth we have when looking at something.The warm colors make us perceive things closer to us and the colder ones.
8.The comp years of aviation avoid the yellow color as it is believed to cause nausea.Also bright yellow is the most irritating color because it stimulates the eye excessively.
9.Black and white things, such as movies or written notes are remembered less than those that have colors.Psychologists believe that it is because the greater attraction that colors have for the senses influences that there is a better connection in the parts of our brain that are related to the memory.
10.The last of these curiosities is related to the color blue.It is the one that conveys a better sense of confidence and reliability, but the dark one is also preferred by mosquitoes.
Did you know all these curiosities about colors and how they affect our mind? Do you know any more? Share it with us and so we can expand this list! If you have been interested in this post, you may want to read: Discover what it is and what it is for use the psychology of color.
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