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6 ways to make our lives bitter

Sometimes we get bitter without really being aware of it .That's why it's important to discover some ways we have to make our lives bitter.It's not like we want everything to go wrong or be unhappy , just that our habits are not the most appropriate.

Do we learn to change them?

6 ways to make our lives bitter

Our mind, sometimes it seems to turn against us .We turn the tortilla around everything that could be much simpler.But no, it seems that it is much easier to choose the difficult path.

6 ways to make our lives bitter

Here are some ways to make our lives bitter.that you feel identified with one.

Which one prevails in you?

1.Think about the bad instead of solving it

What is negative about your life? Maybe you have that friend that you don't like how he acts or how he uses you, maybe you worry about a situation because instead of taking action you just think….

To solve all that in what What are you thinking, it is necessary to act! Thinking too much is not positive, it will make us turn things around creating an infinite loop, without putting them to remedy.Get courage and act, you will see how everything is solved.

2."An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"

Who created this stupid saying? The "eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" prevents us from forgiving , that we always hold a grudge and that we have the need to pay with the same currency.This will not make you happy, as it will prevent you from moving forward as a person , anchoring yourself in a negative feeling.Will you really stay that way?

6 ways to make our lives bitter

3.If you are wrong, others are too

We all have days when we are bad, but one way to make life bitter is to wish that others also be. Do you remember those moments when everyone around you laughs?

You can't stand it.In your mind you wonder if they don't realize they bother, if they do with bad intentions or if you care so little that they haven't even noticed you.See, what bothers you? That nobody cares about you? Think about how you're getting bitter without any need and how little you like to have to endure the grunt of the day.Sketch a smile and join the happy people, everything will be better!

4.When everything is going well, I start to fear

If we are insecure, at the moment when everything is going well instead of continuing in that state we start to fear .our future, to think about everything that can happen badly...It is a free way to make our lives bitter.Being cautious and aware is good, to be distressed by things that you do not know and that you may not be able to change, it is absurd.Think about what you could do with the time and energy you use in this unproductive activity.Get the most out of it!

5.Think that everyone talks badly about you

Have you been through Two people who laughed softly and thought they laughed at you? This usually happens when we don't trust ourselves, when we feel insecure and believe that Everyone watches us.

6 ways to make our lives bitter

It is normal that they are your imaginations, so do not think that everyone notices you and gossips about your outfit, your hairstyle, etc.It is not true, and if it was, who cares? What is really essential is that you are comfortable with yourself.

6.Always look for a culprit

When something has been lost or broken, what is the first thing you do? People who become bitter are always looking for a guilty person , but those who do not try to fix or find what they have lost.Again, instead of investing energy in something negative, use it in looking for the solution or the positive aspect.

"Leading a bitter life can anyone, but bitter life on purpose is an art that is learned"

-Paul Valery-

With what have you felt more identified? There are many other situations, such as not accepting a criticism and believing that they hate you, setting a goal and not enjoy it for having greater aspirations or not fighting for someone because they have never done it for you.We are not perfect and it can all happen to us, but we always have the opportunity to improve!

Sometimes we get bitter life without motives, when everything can be much easier, so: Stop doing these 7 things and you will be MORE HAPPY!

Images: Unsplash, PDPics, Jedidja


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