Much of Western culture, particularly that of state institutions, such as laws and political structures, has its roots in Greece and Rome; especially in the latter, that through the imperial expansion through Asia, Africa and Europe, and its persistence-almost a thousand years-, it spread its values and ways of seeing the world.That is why it is not surprising that the laws of the former Rome is still under study in most of the higher education centers where law or law is studied, although there are some Roman laws that today we could consider as frankly extravagant.
How do you think the laws of Ancient Rome? 8 very crazy
1.Prostitutes in early Ancient Rome were obliged to have blond hair , to differentiate themselves from respectable women.Many prostitutes came from barbarian villages and this this hair color was associated with “bad life” women, while dark women dominated dark hair.
However, it later became fashionable among patrician women wear blonde wigs, and there came a time when they could not differentiate themselves from prostitutes.
2.By the way of tastes and colors, the purple was a color used exclusively by patricians and was prohibited its use in togas or other clothing for members of the lower classes.The color used to have the togas came from Phenicia, and it was crushed mollusks to extract the violet dye.To have a toga had to end with some ten thousand mollusks …
3.If a man surprised his wife with a lover, he could lock them in place where they were and had a period of time to gather among the neighbors witnesses of adultery; then he had three days to make a public declaration and divorce.If he found his wife with another man and did not divorce he could be accused of a pimp , and be punished as such.Otherwise, if the woman surprised the husband, she could not do anything except resign herself, or find a lover .
4.There were several penalties for so-called capital crimes, such as being beheaded, or being thrown from the Tarpeya rock, or from the roof of the prison; but for those convicted of parricide the death penalty it was executed so that all who witnessed the punishment would think twice before killing their father.
The condemned man was taken out of town, beaten with sticks and sticks, then locked in a sack with a rooster, a snake, a dog and a monkey, sewn with all these animals inside and finally thrown into the sea.
5.Conversely it was allowed, that is, the life of the children was in the hands of the parents, at least until shortly after the first century of our era.the punishments without any external control and could kill their children without suffering punishment .
This right was maintained even when they were already married and only disappeared with the death of the father.
6.According to the laws of the former Rome, every woman who stayed a year without leaving the house became the property of the husband .The only way to avoid it was to leave the house at least once a year and stay out three consecutive days , which was done hiding from the husband.
7.In certain circumstances, the laws of ancient Rome allowed suicide , as long as you were a citizen with all your rights and You will have the permission of the Senate.Slaves, soldiers and criminals had banned suicide for various reasons: in the first case the seller would have to reimburse the price of the slave, the military was more useful dying in battle, and if a criminal committed suicide, the state could not confiscate his property.
But if you were a patrician, you could get permission from the Senate, and it was considered a dignified death.
8.Finally, let it fall Lightning was not the worst thing that could happen to you according to the laws of ancient Rome.In that case nobody could bury you, because you had been the victim of a punishment of Jupiter and something very bad you should have done .move the body, but without lifting it above the knees; and if it was a relative or friend, and you were discovered by burying it, you could be put to death .
Surely , in a few centuries some of the laws that we currently obey and even seem logical to us, will be considered extravagant and grotesque by our descendants, just as we consider some laws of ancient Rome crazy.But certainly they are supercurious! Read also the more absurd.
Images: dm1795, N.Jongeneel, Institute for the Study of the Ancie nt World, kaelin
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