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The fashion of corseting or tightlacing

A wasp waist.For many it is a symbol of femininity and absolute attractiveness.A narrow waist that oscillates between 60 and 30 centimeters.Obviously it is not natural, some resort to surgery and most of them asphyxiating Corsican who arrive to model the figure to little aesthetic extremes and worthy of a circus of amazing creatures.It was not only a beauty canon of the past centuries, today it is very common to see these risky looks in the always striking pin-up girls.

Would you like to know a little about the curious history of corseting?

Corseting or how to get a wasp waist

You may be surprised to know that this fashion It was started by Catalina de Medicis .This regal lady was always obsessed with thin and stylized waists, even prohibited access to dance halls to girls who were not dressed in the obligatory corse.It is even said that your middle waist just over 30 centimeters.Amazing do you see rdad? To give you a slight idea of ​​what this means, it is enough to tell you that if you have a waist so you could join your hands with your thumbs and indexes to surround your abdomen.

What the Corsicans actually do is contracting the ribs .They oppress and deform the lungs, preventing breathing.But there are even more...the muscles of the abdominal area are weakening, causing the internal organs to change places causing digestive problems, authentic atrocity that despite not causing death, obviously causes serious pain and health problems, but does this matter to women who swear absolute fidelity to the Corsican? Not at all, and to give you an example, let us tell you about three interesting ladies.

  • Ethel Granger , born in 1905 and today has the record of narrowest waist of all time.What is the average? 33 centimeters neither more nor less .And the most fascinating thing about this attractive lady who died already in 1974, is that she not only liked to wear this heart attack waist, also, it was a fantastic piercing.the nose, ears, incredible woman who was ported on numerous occasions of the Vogue.Reasons were not lacking.

The fashion of corseting or tightlacing

Ethel Granger
  • Cathie Jung. This is a true fan of the corses and the corpinos , which he has been using since 1983 so that each year, they are a little narrower.He does not take them off all day, which has allowed him to reach an amazing measure that touches almost-almost the Guiness record: the 38 centimeters .But is almost certain that soon I will succeed.

The fashion of corseting or tightlacing

Cathie Jung
  • Ioana Spangenberg, is an exotic Romanian model of 1.70 tall.At first glance it looks like an authentic plastic has Some artificial, some singular and some lovely fantasy.She says that her body is totally natural, although many doubt it.If it is natural at least it is not healthy...because it weighs just over 40 kilos and has of a waist of 40 centimeters in diameter .It is another faithful follower of the tight corpinos, and he says, they are not only a model of exquisite beauty that every woman should use, but also admits that I could not live without them.

The fashion of corseting or tightlacing

Ioana Spangenberg

Fanaticism? Disease? Or incomprehensible insanity?….


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