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How to survive lost in a forest

Most people at some point in our lives have gotten lost .Normally, it happened in childhood and you found yourself alone for a few seconds in a street, in a shopping mall or on a crowded beach.Suddenly, you have felt abandoned and scared without knowing what to do or where to go.Usually they find you right away and everything is in a scare of a few seconds, but And if you are an adult and you are in an isolated place? Would you know how to survive lost in a forest ?

How to survive lost in a forest

If you are going to go hiking in the forest, it is convenient go provided with water , food, compass, something to light a fire, knife and a cell phone.It is also advisable to tell someone what routes you plan to follow in case something happens.If, despite having taken these precautions, you you would lose without having access to that material and you would be forced to survive lost in a forest, for a few days, experts advise :

In First try to locate water .Water is the first thing you will need since without it you cannot survive more than 3 days.To locate it you have to go down , water courses never you will find going up, but going down, which is its natural route.Also if you find a watercourse, following it is the easiest way to reach a civilized place.Rio, if you want to have a perspective of the place where you are lost, you have to climb to a high point .If there is no water nearby, you can search if there is any deposit left in the hollows of the rocks.

How to survive lost in a forest

Search for a clear next to the place where you have lost yourself .You have to make the starting point and arrival of the raids in search of what you need.Mark it well with a lot of stones, a piece of cloth or another sign visible from afar to be able to find it easily.It is important to leave clues to be able to return to the clear from which you have left.If you don't have a compass the best is to be guided by sunrise and sunset.

How to survive lost in a forest

It is important at all times try to find you . Shout asking for help is not nonsense, some hiker or people who are looking for you can hear you.If you can, place some garment in the cup of the trees , this will attract the attention of an aerial surveyor.Experts explain that internationally three equal groups of "something" is distress signal .If anyone sees or hears it, it will remain alerted.For example, if there is a meadow you can make three mountains of leaves or if the ground is sandy draw a triangle.If there is no danger of fire, 3 campfires in a straight line or in Triangle shape are a distress claim.Also the sequences of three whistles , three shots or three blows with stones will make anyone who hears it think someone is in danger.or another object that can reflect sunlight , you can make signals in groups of three in three .

How to survive lost in a forest

It is important to create a shelter to spend the night or the hottest hours of the day.It is best to use a fallen tree branch raised on one side and go placing other branches supported on it until creating a space that serves as a refuge.If it is cold it is not convenient to lie directly on the ground, you have to make a «mattress» with leaves, twigs and everything that is may, to serve as an insulator .Finding a cave where there are no animals is another solution, but sometimes there are none or it is dangerous.

How to survive lost in a forest

The food will not be a big problem since the human being can endure up to 3 weeks practically without eating, even if only 3 days without case of absolute necessity the acorns, pine needles, grass and aneas (eneas) are edible.Here we leave you a web in which the test of universal edibility of the plants is collected; It is very interesting to read it.

Lighting a fire without means is very difficult.Doing it by rubbing sticks or crushing stones is almost impossible, but surely you have glasses, a watch or other object I can provide you with a piece of glass and, with the sun and sunlight, turn on litter or tinder.

We hope that all these tips help you survive if you miss a few days in a forest.Do you have any more advice? What to add? If you liked this post, you might want to read how to survive a terrorist attack according to experts.


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