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Orgasms: what do they say about your health?

When it comes to good sex, the first parameter that is always evaluated is the ability of both partners to reach the climax.Are there orgasms? Then there, by popular belief, there was a good sexual performance. However, there are people, mainly women, for whom this famous ‘friend’ does not come, even if that does not mean a bad experience.

What orgasms can say about your mental or physical health

It is precisely putting that scale, which has made it the main problem of sex today in For years we have put orgasms on a pedestal so high that that knowledge has caused many women to fight so hard to reach it, that they mentally prevent it themselves. Hence, many sexologists claim that the vast majority of women who do not achieve an orgasm because of their own thoughts.

Orgasms: what do they say about your health?

That strictly speaking of mental health, but an orgasm can also say a lot about your health, for example, vascular disease Peripheral can make orgasms weak for women or just not reach them. Did you know?

If someone has a long-standing peripheral vascular disease, that is, they have blockages in their peripheral vessels (the blood vessels in their legs and genitals) due to diabetes or high cholesterol, there is a decrease in blood flow, this weakens the sensation of orgasm. This is because blood flow and muscle contraction determine the intensity of orgasm in a woman.

Other conditions such as: Multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and other disorders of the nervous system may have an impact on female orgasms, as they require intervention of the neurological function of the genital region.

In addition to that, there are certain hormonal changes that also have an impact on the arrival or not of orgasms in women.But if these problems are not present, some psychological causes can still cause problems in the women's orgasm.Among them, don't be Encouraged enough, to worry a lot during intercourse about your sexual performance, lack of knowledge or fear of sexual relations and problems in the relationship. For women this is usually more mental and less physical that for men, of course, as in everything, there are exceptions.

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Images: When Harry Met Sally (1989); Fifty Shades Darker (2017)


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