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The best Viking Ship Museum

This museum has the best preserved Viking ships in the world .The Vikingskipshuset or House of Viking ships is located in the Bygdøy district, Oslo and is part of the Historical Cultural Museum of the University of Oslo.

The Vikingskipshuset

The ships that houses the Museum were found in 3 royal tombs , near the Oslo fjord.They date from over 11 centuries ago. The purpose of these ships was to transport their deceased to the Kingdom of the Dead, something that It reminds us of the ancient Egyptian civilization.And it is that the Vikings were buried with their servants and all their belongings, with which the ships were full of objects.

The 3 drakkars were built in oak in the nineteenth century and buried in blue clay, what has been key for them to be in such a state of conservation.They impress not only by their size, with more than 20 meters, but by the skill with which the Vikings carved the wood; in them you can see runes, snakes and other elements of Viking mythology.

What can we find in the Museum?

-3 drakkars (boat): the Oseberg, one of the star pieces of the Museum, the Gokstad and the Tube. The first 2 are in perfect condition, only a few tables are preserved from the Tube.

The best Viking Ship Museum

-Small boats


-The only Viking-era car related to the legends of Thor.This is Oseberg's car.It is the second most important object of the Museum, after the Oseberg Drakkar.Unlike the rest of what was found it was not intended for practical use, since neither the wheels nor the rods are articulated.Their function was religious: Bring the God covered over the fields to ensure a good harvest.

The best Viking Ship Museum


-Domestic items

-Ceremonial scepters

-Chassis of other vessels

Other curiosities about the Vikings

-They didn't cook on the boats, they carried dry food, and they didn't sleep on them either, they did carry cooking utensils to dock where they docked.

-It seems that the Vikings They never used the word drakkar, it is a deformation of the French word that means «dragon», referring to the most characteristic iconography of the Vikings.In addition, there were several types of ships such as: cargo ships, recreational for kings and drakkar who were destined for war ra.

-The Vikings did not wear horns.The hulls with horns were from an earlier millennium and only used the horns in drinking ceremonies.

The best Viking Ship Museum

- They strived to know the customs of the cities that were going to attack. For example, they attacked Christians when they were in the churches praying.

-The woman could make decisions or travel alone, she could read and write.I could also decide who he married.

What are the 5 best Viking experiences you can enjoy in Norway?

1.The Viking Ship Museum , Oslo of which we have spoken

2.The Viking settlement of Avaldsnes

3.National Center of Culture of Stiklestad, Nord-Trøndelag

The best Viking Ship Museum

4.The Lofotr Viking Museum, Borg, Lofoten Islands

In which you can experience life in a Viking home, participate in a Viking feast, paddle on a Viking ship, ride a horse or play archery and arrow.

5.Marking of the Viking Valley, Gudvangen, Norway Fjords

With crafts and traditional food Viking.

If you liked this article, you may be interested The mystery of Nydam's ships.

Image: DncnH , Hans Splinter, John Lillis, Lourdes M.Montanez, Jose Eugenio Gomez Rodriguez, Xoan Anton Castro Barreiro.


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