Most of us have left forgotten things in shops, cinemas, buses, taxis, hotels ...and maybe also in a plane .In some cases it is easy to recover our belongings since the company has a department of lost objects , but in other cases they have been lost forever or we have not known where to look for them.It happens that in many occasions what is lost is the complete luggage, which by mistake or another reason ends up in a different airport and it is practically impossible to recover it.Join us to know 10 surprising things forgotten in a plane.
Forgotten things on a plane
In the US there is a place called "Unclaimed Baggage" (baggage center not claimed) and the luggage arrives that, after the established legal time , have not been claimed by anyone .All the luggage is thoroughly checked in case there is has overlooked some type of identification about the owner and if there is nothing, what is found for its sale to the public is processed.This center is located in Alabama and is a family business that started 40 years ago and it has a social aspect since they recycle a large part of the things they collect for social projects.
Among the most curious things you have found forgotten in your luggage, there are the first three, which amazingly nobody claims:
1- Ancient Egyptian objects of the year 1,500 BC Including the mummy of an eagle.
2- An emerald of more than 40 carats
3- A 5'8 carat diamond mounted on a ring.
These two who rushed to return:
4-They returned to the US Navy a sophisticated missile guidance system , commonly used in the F-16s.
5- A space shuttle camera that they returned to NASA.
One of the curious cases that explain in the center is that of a gentleman who bought a pair of ski boots for his wife, replacing the ones he had lost on a flight.Upon arriving at his home he discovered that they were the ones his wife had lost and that they were marked inside with the initials of this one.
Airports and aviation companies have also mentioned that:
6-In 2012 they left forgotten coins at security checks at US airports worth $ 500,000 .
7-Some passengers forget animals such as turtles, parrots, frogs and even a hawk .In many cases the forgetfulness of these animals is v oluntarios since it is forbidden to take them out or introduce them into the country.
8-Extraordinary objects appear as a 1770 violin that was never claimed.
9-They are prostheses like glass eyes or orthopedic legs, in addition to wigs and toupees.
10-Stranger things like a box of dried fish or a wedding dress … maybe I change my mind?
If you have been interested in this article about things forgotten in a plane that are very rare, you might want to read:
–10 curious things forgotten in a hotel room
–8 curious things lost in amusement parks
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