Usually the information you get in scientific publications about tattoos tends to discourage its use and mention, among other things, the damage that can cause your skin and body in general, but a recent publication on this issue goes in the opposite direction, indicating that tattoos could be good for your health .
Why might tattoos be good for your health?
An article recently published in the American Journal of Human Biology described a study involving 29 people between 18 and 47 years of age, and in who performed analyzes before and after having undergone tattoo sessions.Saliva samples were taken, measuring immunoglobulin A and cortisol levels, both indicators of body stress, and the results were surprising.
Immunoglobulin A is an antibody and cortisol is a stress management hormone; The researchers at the University of Alabama, where this study was conducted, found that those participants who had had more tattoos throughout their lives produced less of these substances than those who had tattoos for the first time , evidencing in this way a greater resistance to stress and a better immune system.
For other researchers the result was not so surprising, since the body, when subjected to the same experience several times, tends to improve their ability to resist.
Cristopher Lynn , professor of anthropology and one of the authors of this research, pointed out that tattoo sessions could help people with weak immune systems to improve his condition and resistance level.However, Lynn tried to be cautious with his claims about whether tattoos could be good for health, given that the study was conducted around tattoo centers, and similar experiments should be carried out with individuals who have never been exposed to this widespread body art today.
Other researchers, more optimistic, compared body engraving sessions with physical instruction sessions in a gym , in terms of body benefits.
Of course, this last statement could be reversed: Why get tattooed if you can achieve the same body benefits by training in a gym? The novelty of this study in any case can be sought in the fact that strips the act of tattooing some prejudices from the field of health.
If it is confirmed that tattoos could be good for your health, would you encourage yourself to become one? Share it with us, and read about electronic tattoos, future or science fiction.
Images: SharonaGott, Nina A.J., Dozer
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