Rules of life there are many, as many visions as we have of this world in which we have to adapt to get the best out of it and allow ourselves to be happy, or at least, achieve that inner balance with which to tell us that of «I feel good».
Today from Lifestyle we want to propose 5 basic rules.It is without a doubt a personal classification in which to reflect, but of course, something we would like to ask you is that You also give us your 5 ideas, your five personal rules about what it means for you to live with integrity, happiness and freedom.
Do you fancy the challenge? For our part, here are our 5 tips.
5 basic rules of life that we should keep in mind
1-No one should be responsible for your happiness, only you
There are those who conceive happiness by being next to a couple.Others, they only feel good when they are with their friends, with their family, with significant people.
There is no doubt that love, the love and friendship of ours make us happy, but a vital normal that we must take into account is that «we must not depend». Do not put your own happiness in the other's pocket.
This can make us fall into the error, for example, that we are aware of what others say or do to feel good, when happiness must come out of ourselves, so that we can share it in freedom and integrity.
2-What others think of you, is their problem, not yours
Live linked to criticism, to have to satisfy others, to be "like your family" expects Be it or "your partner" whatever you behave, is an unnecessary source of suffering.
You are your own judge, you who must be responsible for what you do and say freely without having to do what others wait to "enter their game".It is not appropriate, listen to your own voice and act in harmony with your values, with your self-esteem.
3-What it angers you, it learns to be free and to forgive
This advice falls within the Buddhist religion, we know it, but it contains in those wise words a wisdom that we should not ignore.
If we spend the day hating someone or lamenting something, we will continue to be slaves to our own enemies of yesterday.We lose our lives drowning in those negative emotions that far from allowing us to move forward, we get stuck.
Turn the page, no more.Dilute the grudge with forgiveness and break ties with pain.
4-Disable mental noise and dare to experience new things
Surely you have gone through those times when you kept thinking about the same things over and over again : This has gone wrong, now I have the doors closed and I don't know what to do, everything is lost...
- Mental noise can sometimes be our worst enemy.We become obsessed with things, with negative dimensions that put walls to our mind and wire fences to our hearts.Don't let it go.
Mental noise fades by going outside, talking to people, knowing new people and starting new projects.Dare to experiment, get out of your comfort zone.
5-You are the artifice of your own destiny
Destiny is not woven by invisible beings for you , nobody is predestined nor are we passive agents of our own future.
- You are your own designer, who chooses which door to open, which person to know or leave behind , who must be able to play the stars with your fingers if you wish.
- With motivation, enthusiasm and an open mind you can define your destiny day by day, both in the small decisions and in the great.
Do you agree with these 5 rules of life to be happy? Don't forget to leave us your proposals now.We'd love to read them!
Meanwhile, you won't Do not miss the following article: how to train your brain to develop your INTUITION.
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