We all know that healthy eating, a little exercise and taking our lives in another way without so much stress will help us live longer and we will have less chance of getting diseases.But you want to know some habits that you might not know they were so important and that can help you have a better quality of life and live longer? We give you 10.
10 curiosities to live longer
1.Sleep just enough
You have to sleep at least 6 hours for REM phases , the repairers of the organism.That if both sin as much as little, sleeping more than 9 hours raises up to 30% the risk of premature death.Also if we go to bed early , our blood pressure is reduced in just 6 weeks or so says the Harvard Business School.
2.The fruit at room temperature
Fruit out of the fridge does not lose the beta carotene or the lycopene .That's the fruit of the time from now on!
3.Keep your teeth clean
New York University says keeping our teeth clean prevents bacteria responsible for mouth inflammations from nesting which can eventually result in damage to the arteries , diabetes and alzheimer.
Singing reduces depression, stress and coronary heart disease according to the University of Hull, UK.
5.Always tell the truth
Anita kelly de la University of Notre Dame, the United States tells us what harms us to lie: it increases the stress , causes us tachycardias , predisposes us to have more pains of head , throat and joints in addition to slowing down digestion.Before lying you have to think twice.
6.Give importance to silence
Your body will thank 20 minutes a day silently simply or meditating, leaving your mind blank and forgetting l mobile, reduces anxiety up to 25% (Thomas Jefferson University in the US)
According to Wayne State University in the US, smiling extends life until nothing more and nothing less than 7 years ; This is because the cortisol stress hormone decreases, also making the chances of heart attack according to a study by the journal Neurobiology of aging.
They say that married people live longer than single people or at least Ilene Siegler of the Duke University , USA.We assume they will be married and happy!
9.Make peace
According to Harvard Medical School up to 91% of men over 50 years old who don't get along with their parents end the high tension .The truth is that one He feels more than comfortable when he stops being angry with someone.Nothing better than having a soul in peace.
10.Lift the back of the chair!
Being sitting less than 3 hours in a row every day, extends life a couple of years (BMJ Open).Do what you can , if your job is to sit down, take a spin around the office from time to time, don't forget it!
If you like this type of article, don't miss 5 foods that can literally kill youImage: Marina del Castell, Gustavo Miranda, Hersson Piratoba
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