Lucid dreams .Have you ever had them? The truth is that if there is something that we would all love, it is, without a doubt, to have some control over our own dreams, so that we can achieve certain things, experience new situations and even sensations.
There are those He has achieved some control in this dimension, especially because they are capable of falling into that dream world by being aware at all times "that they are ringing." It is said, that there are people who have achieved it almost naturally almost from children , on the other hand, others open the doors of lucid dreams after training themselves, to control that moment of the REM phase, where suddenly the reveries appear.
Yes You are interested in the topic, today in Lifestyle we want to explain 5 curiosities.Are you with us?
During lucid dreams, brain activity is "triggered"
That's right, according to Ursula Voss, Professor from the University of Bonn and expert in sleep processes, during these moments and n that we have lucid dreams rise in an incredible way the waves of the gamma band, especially in the front part of the brain.
The reason? Our cognitive processes.We could say that, in addition to sounding, we are also thinking, and even deciding.It is amazing!
Dreams especially in children and adolescents
Childhood and adolescence are incredible moments in which lucid dreams abound most.And what's more, experts tell us is more common in very intelligent children.
The reason that lucid dreams are more intense among the 7 and the 19 is because our neural networks are in full development.And almost by accident, they can be activated while we rest, causing very interesting things to happen.There are many children who when falling into a nightmare, are suddenly aware that « it's just a dream », so they choose not to wake up and control the content at will .
The brains of the lucid people are different
The data, no doubt, It’s interesting.Or so they tell us from the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry in Munich.or, if you are interested, it is published in the journal “The Journal of Neuroscience.”
The most striking conclusion they reached after investigating several people experiencing lucid dreams, compared to those who they have never had them, is that the prefrontal cortex, related to self-reflection and metacognition in humans, is larger in lucid sonators.
Lucid dreams can also be obtained through brain stimulation
And specifically with a series of electrodes on the scalp and using small alternating current discharges.experiment was carried out at the University of Bonn with 27 subjects.
To achieve this, they stimulated the brain with gamma waves during the REM phase of the dream, effectively causing people to control their dreams at will.The work was published in the "Nature Neuroscience" magazine, and for many, opens up the curious possibility of marketing «lucid dream induction helmets». It seems incredible, there is no doubt, however, this type of experience should always be controlled by doctors.
Lucid dreams can heal us
Surprised? Of course, because this information is as surprising as it is revealing.For this we refer to the work published in the journal "Medical Hypotheses", and the data would be as follows:
- A man suffered for 22 years chronic pain.
- For 2 years he underwent new biopsychosocial treatments without success.
- Suddenly, he began to have lucid dreams, and almost without knowing very well how, the pain disappeared.
- Doctors talk to us about neuronal plasticity .It is quite possible that previous treatments, especially psychological ones, caused a certain way of seeing in certain plasticity things so that, in the end, he acquired without realizing the control of his dreams.
Thanks to the plasticity, and brain imprint left by lucid dreams (we have a more active brain, and therefore older connections), there can be a repair of the damaged nerves that cause pain resistant to treatment.It also seems incredible, however , more cases and more studies would be needed to conclude that lucid dreams can heal certain ailments.
And now tell you usually have lucid dreams? If you liked this article, also discover if it is possible to travel to other dimensions through dreams.
Image: Hartwig HKD, akshay moon, Chris Halderman
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