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Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

Do you consider yourself among mentally strong people? Surely, almost all of us have two or three qualities that allow us to survive day by day, deal with the obstacles of work and family life, conquer goals or resist the real and imaginary pressures and aggressions to which we are subjected throughout of our life.

In Lifestyle we present 7 attitudes or qualities that psychologists characterize mentally strong people.

Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

1.They are not discouraged by difficulties and delays

Mentally strong people do not give up when they are presented with some apparently insurmountable obstacle or setback. They look for alternatives and ways to get around the barriers without giving up your project.They believe in that phrase that says when God closes a door opens a window to you .

2.They know how to handle stress

Mentally strong people do not feel on the verge of collapse when cooling put pressure on work, in the intermediate spaces of society or in the family; they know that all serious work activity implies some kind of challenge or challenge; or that living in a big city means dealing with traffic and that taking a family forward is not an easy task, but part of the reward is just to overcome difficulties.

Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

Of course, this also means knowing when to stop, and when to stop.look for escape valves.

3.You are able to recognize and express your emotions and needs

People are usually drawn to mentally strong people as stoic and inexpressive beings, but in reality they are strong because know how to express their disagreements without anger, their joy and their expectations without overwhelming , and their doubts or need for more information without appearing weak or inexperienced.

4.Take care of your body and your health

A mentally strong person knows that he cannot achieve his goals with a sick body, subject to excess or carelessness.He knows that a sick body can't face stress and does what it takes to get adequate sleep, exercise and eat healthy.

5.Balance your social life with the time you need to be alone

Usually associating success with an intense social life, however, part of the art of living consists of creating time for work, family, social life and that you have space for loneliness, because it is usually when you are alone, with yourself, that you can evaluate your performance and “balance the loads”.

Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

6.Keep problems in perspective

Know how to keep proportions It avoids an emotional overload or unnecessary stress: a puncture on the way to a meeting, or a mustard stain does not have to ruin your day, and it is likely that an apparent problem can serve as comment to break the ice or establish a bond with others, because we all share many of these everyday problems.

7.They are more flexible and able to adapt to changes

People Mentally strong, they are more willing to accept changes in their jobs and in their daily lives, something key today, when companies are continually renewing and sometimes even changing branches, discarding those who do not feel willing to continue learning to master new tools.

Mentally Strong People: 7 characteristics

Human beings are a successful species because we have adapted to the most drastic changes .

Finally, a person can suffer rejection, be defeated and cry when he does missing, what will make her mentally strong will be her ability to assess the damage and get up again.Do you consider yourself a pers ona mentally strong? Tell us, but first read how a person's brain works creative.

Images: jankie, Viewminder, April Moore-Harris, Camilo Rueda Lopez


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