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Discover the effect of superhero movies on children

"A great power, carries a great responsibility," says Spiderman.This seems to be the spirit of all superheroes.Many of us believe that this is the effect of superhero movies on children.Here is the reason why families are delighted that their children watch these movies. They are sure that thanks to them, they will learn universal values ​​, such as solidarity and a sense of community, but will it be true?

A study demonstrates the effect of superhero movies on children

Despite the beliefs we talked about before, there are also people who wonder if their content is suitable for children.It is true that superheroes move for very generous reasons, their films are full of violence , a question that leads us to wonder what is more in the kids, values ​​or violence?

Discover the effect of superhero movies on children

The journal Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology has published an investigation stating that the Preschool children do not fully understand the values ​​they fight for , but they do memorize and assume violent acts.This effect of superhero movies on children is related to the complexity of the concepts being handled.

The stories of these films are intended for a wider audience , so the plot line must also be attractive to teenagers and adults, so kindergarteners do not fully understand the argument, but they do understand aggressive behaviors .Therefore, it is usual for them to repeat the latter, while the values ​​of superheroes remain more confusing.

The effect of superhero movies on children is controlled with the dial ogo

One of the most committed mistakes by families is to let their children watch television, without there being a dialogue in between.As we said, the argument is complicated, but your job as an adult is to highlight the positive over the negative .Therefore, it is essential to watch television with them.

So, if you are watching a superhero movie, the ideal is that you explain in a simple way the reason why they act in a certain way .Also, if the viewer has created a great impact, you will notice that you will have it in mind for several days.This will be great to continue reinforcing positive values.

On the other hand, experts recommend monitoring the time children are exposed to these movies .It does not seem appropriate for them to spend hours and hours receiving messages indiscriminately, so they suggest finding a balance that allows us to accompany the child in his audiovisual literacy , so that little by little they distinguish what is important from what is not.

The study, therefore, comes to reveal to us that the effect that superhero movies It has in children can be directed and controlled.The same happens with other products of this type.The key is in the time of exposure and communication.Therefore, it is best for adults to be with the little ones to understand the values real of them.

Image: Jose Maria Perez Nunez


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