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Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

When we have a pet at home the routine changes completely, from the time to get up to the cleaning.If it is cats, we have to have the special arenas to make their needs, and if it is dogs, accommodate our schedule to take them out for a walk.

And if there are children, because things do not vary much, unless there are more hands to help in their care.We tend to humanize the animals, and the We consider one more of our family , so much, that there are those who even feed them the same as what is eaten at the table, from spiced meats to delicious chocolate and cream sweets.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

And we think that what we like our dogs, or what is good for a person is also for an animal.Nothing further from the reality and good health of that or tro family member.Many times, for not having the right information, we do more harm than good, and we believe that by giving them everything about our dishes they will be well fed.

And anyone who has a dog knows how greedy it can be , eats almost anything we put in.And the more, the better.

So we decided to give you a list of what NO You should never give your dog if you want it to stay healthy, cheerful and affectionate as always.

Toxic foods for dogs


Although for us this American delicacy contains many good things, not for dogs.Chocolate contains theobromine , an extremely toxic substance for them that causes diarrhea, hyperactivity or, in severe cases, stoppages cardiac, with more than unfortunate consequences.

Garlic and onion

When you give them leftovers of what you eat, many times you don't realize how the food is cooked, or with which it has been spiced.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

Garlic has a component, thiosulfate , that makes our dear dogs feel very bad, Imagine that you can have anemia if you eat it in excess.

Thiosulfate destroys red blood cells and prevents organs from receiving the oxygen they need.Some of the symptoms of thiosulfate poisoning are diarrhea and vomiting , respiratory distress, loss of appetite or blood in the urine.And as for the onion, the situation can get worse because it contains even higher concentrations of thiosulfate.


Yes, already I know what you may be thinking: but who the hell would give an avocado dog? Particularly I would never give it to my dog, but there are those who give theirs anything, and if we like it, we give it faster.

As this delicious fruit is very toxic to dogs, it is not only rich in fat but also in persin , a fungicidal toxin that It is present in the leaves, the shell and the pulp.

It can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Chicken bones and fish bones

How natural it is put the bones of the chicken that we roast in the oven, with garlic and onion.And I have seen a lot, especially on the coast of my country, prepare soups with fish heads and add the spines to give them to the dogs, with the excuse of which are “very nutritious.” No one doubts it.

The problem is that both chicken bones and fish bones wear their teeth and can cause serious digestive problems.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

Chicken bones become very thin, very dangerous splinters, since they can tear the trachea or stomach.

Once again nothing happens, but doing it as usual can be very harmful for your dog.


Who could take a sip of beer or wine to a carefree dog that trusts his master? Well, there are people who want to know how a drunk dog would behave, and give them a taste of alcoholic beverages.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

The question is that canine metabolism is not equal to human, and they cannot process correctly alcohol.They can get very nervous and attack someone, and even themselves.

Milk, cheese and ice cream

Dogs usually have lactose intolerance, because they lack of the enzymes needed to digest it.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

Consuming them very often and in excess can cause diarrhea, vomiting and gastrointestinal problems.

Sweets and sugar

Despite what children think, sweets are not good for dogs (not even for them).

The least that can happen to a pet that eats sweets is having tooth decay ; Remember that we brush our teeth at least three times a day, but they don't.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

On the other hand, if you consume a lot of sugar you will gain weight and can get diabetes, and the pancreas will look seriously affected.

So not everything that seems delicious to us is good for a dog.If you are going to cook something, let it be without any seasoning or salt, but preferably give it the food specially made for the dog., which has the nutrients you need.

Toxic foods! Be careful what you give your dog!

And if you want to pamper him, you better offer him one of those beef bones that never wear out, and he can even use them as a toy.


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