Searching for a job usually involves a lot of psychotechnical interviews and tests .Sometimes, in order to get to know the candidate more deeply , ethical problems arise that require an answer that goes beyond simple intelligence.The case at hand was raised by a well-known company to those who applied for a job.
How would you respond to this dilemma?
Imagine that a rainy and cold nightfall you are driving your car .The rain starts to get strong, very strong, flood , and at that moment you pass by in front of the bus stop.
Under the marquee you see three people:
An old woman , very old, almost dying.
A good friend .So good friend that one day, I save your life.It's the moment To do you a favor.
The man or woman of your life .The one who appears in your dreams.
Your car It only has one place in addition to yours.You park in front of the stop, what will you do ?, who will you pick up ? Take your time to think about it!
You can take the old woman, she is very helpless, you will not let her get wet there, but...the friend is the one who deserves it most, I save your life !, but...and if it were the last chance to find to that person with whom you have been playing for so long...The solution below!
As we have mentioned before, this dilemma was posed to people who came for a job offer to a well-known company.Of the 200 candidates who showed up only one came up with the solution and got the job!
The answer was: «Get out of the car and give you the keys of the car to my friend to take the old lady to the hospital and I will stay at the bus stop with the girl of my dreams ».
This type of thinking is called" thinking outside the box "or" beyond the box "and is the one who is different , which goes out of the conventional and is not limited to the obvious things .It is the one that uses more imagination and creativity.
Yes you like riddles, we suggest you try to solve the enigma of hats.
Images: Marco Bellucci,, renee_mcgurk
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